Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is the conflict? How is it resolved?

The story gave no hint why the couple were separating but the sentence,"It was getting dark on the inside too" gave me the impression or predicted that there is an argument going on inside the house.I think the conflict in the story was that both the parents wanted to take custody of the baby during the separation.I think they behaved so immaturely in the sense that they involved the baby in their fight. The conflict did not resolve based on any agreement.It came naturally; The couple, having dropped the baby and killed it,rendered them with nothing to argue or fight about.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I believe Llosa's compelling argument will be the reason that in today's world, literature is very neccessary and compels the human mind to be conscious of some intellectual traits that remains hidden with the failure to see how ensential Literature is to our daily lives , such where the writings of great authors like William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens are ignored by less discerning people. Not only does Literature promote human integrity but it also helps verbally. People communicate and express their thoughts effectively through correct usage of language and how to think in a more productive way thus, this shows how important Literature is to Llosa and where his arguments originate.

Jane Eyre

"Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones. I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will . . ."

Challotte Bronte's book, Jane Eyre, is a novel that abounds with social criticism and sinister Gothic elements. The main Character, Jane, is a plain-featured and reserved but talented, hard-working, honest, and passionate girl , who explores and challenges the social preconceptions of nineteenth-century Victorian society ;themes of social class, gender relations, and injustice predominate throughout. Jane Eyre begins her story as an orphan raised by the wealthy and cultivated Reed family at Gateshead, and this ambiguous social standing motivates much of the novel's internal tension and conflict as her aunt and cousins, especially cousin John Reed, who chides her as a lowly orphan and inflicts insults and abuses at the least chance given. she was occasionaly sent to the "red room”—the frightening chamber in which her Uncle Reed died—as punishment. After being called a liar at Lowood Academy, the school in which her aunt took her to so as to grt rid of her, she runs away and finds a job as a governess at Thornfield Manor, where her employer, Edward Rochester fell in love with her.

This book holds a lot of suspense and i really enjoyed it :-)